Table 2

Healthcare utilisation in the UC and PEPR arms over 3 months

Number (% subjects within group)OR (95% CI) PEPR vs UC*p Value
UC (N=30)PEPR (N=30)
Hospital admission for exacerbation10 (33%)2 (7%)0.15 (0.03 to 0.72)0.02
ED attendance for exacerbation7 (23%)6 (20%)0.66 (0.18 to 2.36)0.52
Hospital or ED attendance for exacerbation17 (57%)8 (27%)0.28 (0.10 to 0.82)0.02
  • * Binary logistic regression: expB (95% CI for ExpB).

  • Numbers and percentages refer to the proportion of patients experiencing at least one event of each type. Emergency department attendances were episodes not requiring admission.

  • ED, emergency department; PEPR, post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation; UC, usual care.