Table 3

Subscales of the Severe Respiratory Insufficiency (SRI) Questionnaire: high-intensity versus low-intensity NPPV

PeriodLI-NPPVHI-NPPVDifference between treatments (95% CI)p Value
SRI-RCPeriod 156.3±14.062.1±25.10.6 (−6.1 to 7.3)0.85
Period 261.6±25.357.0±12.9
SRI-PFPeriod 138.3±17.543.5±31.4−1.5 (−10.6 to 7.6)0.71
Period 248.2±37.540.0±19.7
SRI-ASPeriod 166.4±15.576.5±18.5−1.8 (−5.8 to 2.1)0.33
Period 281.6±17.867.9±16.6
SRI-SRPeriod 181.5±12.580.4±14.0−2.3 (−7.6 to 3.0)0.36
Period 279.8±16.076.3±11.5
SRI-AXPeriod 151.0± 10.867.1±33.54.7 (−6.0 to 15.4)0.35
Period 260.0±34.653.3±11.6
SRI-WBPeriod 167.8±9.267.5±27.1−0.02 (−10.0 to 10.0)1.00
Period 268.3±20.168.6±12.1
SRI-SFPeriod 160.6±23.459.8±25.6−0.6 (−9.8 to 8.5)0.89
Period 257.9±25.257.5±16.5
  • Data are presented as mean±SD.

  • AS, Attendant Symptoms and Sleep; AX, Anxiety; HI-NPPV, high-intensity non-invasive positive pressure ventilation; LI-NPPV, low-intensity non-invasive positive pressure ventilation; PF, Physical Functioning; RC, Respiratory Complaints; SF, Social Functioning; SR, Social Relationships; SRI, Severe Respiratory Insufficiency Questionnaire; WB, Psychological Well-Being.