Table 2

Lung cancer mortality and all other causes of mortality in the BTS cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis cohort

Recorded cause of deathp Value
Lung cancer (ICD9 162)(n = 46)All other causes(n = 442)
Sex, n (%) male40 (87.0%)281 (63.6%)<0.001
Mean (SD) age at entry (years)65.8 (7.7)69.6 (9.3)0.01
Mean (SD) age at death (years)68.4 (7.0)72.2 (9.2)0.01
Breathlessness, n (%)37 (80.4%)403 (91.2%)0.02
Median (range) duration of breathlessness (months)12 (1–60)10 (1–84)0.85
Cough, n (%)28 (60.9%)337 (76.2%)0.02
Median (range) duration of cough (months)6 (1–60)7 (1–84)0.93
Chronic bronchitis (MRC*), n (%)10 (21.7%)86 (19.5%)0.72
Exercise grade, n (%)8 (17.4%)36 (8.1%)0.12 (0.01†)
    Normal17 (37.0%)129 (29.2%)
    Breathless up hill8 (17.4%)95 (21.5%)
    Breathless on level11 (23.9%)137 (31.0%)
    Breathless walking slowly2 (4.4%)45 (10.2%)
    Breathless at rest
Clubbing, n (%)31 (67.4%)219 (49.7%)0.02
Ischaemic heart disease, n (%)14 (31.3%)77 (17.5%)0.03
Smoking history, n (%)<0.001
    Current19 (41.3%)72 (16.3%)(<0.001†)
    Ex-smoker25 (54.4%)260 (58.8%)
    Non-smoker2 (4.4%)110 (24.9%)
Ever smoked, n (%)44 (95.7%)332 (75.1%)0.002
  • *Defined as “a cough productive of sputum for at least three months of two consecutive years”.39

  • †p value for trend.