Table 5 Baseline lung function results by RSV hospital admission status in the first 2 years
RSV group(n = 14)Non-RSV group(n = 63)p Value
Gestational age (weeks)26 (24–31)28 (24–31)0.335
Birth weight (g)820 (650–1826)964 (515–1520)0.353
Maternal steroids (%)85821.000
Surfactant (%)86811.000
IPPV (%)100971.000
CPAP (%)86680.324
HFOV (%)850.563
Nitric oxide (%)771.000
PDA (%)29370.759
Air leak (%)14141.000
Postnatal dexamethasone (%)36380.890
At lung function
    Age (years)10.5 (8.9–12.1)10.3 (8.5–11.9)0.460
    Height (cm)135 (119–151)139 (122–160)0.488
    Weight (kg)29.7 (18.6–39.4)32.5 (20.4–65.0)0.074
    PEF*67.8 (27.1–99.3)76 (27–140)0.102
    FVC*89.6 (75–125)94.2 (68.7–125)0.240
    FEV0.75*68.2 (48–99)81.9 (47–133)0.015
    FEV0.75/FVC78.9 (52.9–97.1)86.4 (58–116.2)0.027
    FEF25*67.0 (32–94)75.4 (27.7–131)0.362
    FEF50*50.7 (22.5–93)70.1 (22–165)0.034
    FEF75*40.7 (24–60)57.2 (11–221)0.006
  • *Results are expressed as percentage predicted for height.

  • CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; FEF, forced expiratory flow; FEF25, flow at 25% of vital capacity; FEF50, flow at 50% of vital capacity; FEF75, flow at 75% of vital capacity; FEV, forced expiratory volume; FVC, forced vital capacity; HFOV, high frequency oscillatory ventilation; IPPV, intermittent positive pressure ventilation; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; PEF, peak expiratory flow; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus.