Table 1 Patient demographics
Age (range)70 (52–86)45 (34–58)
Sex (No of men)164
Smoking status: current/ex/never5/22/33/5/2
Pack years (IQR)29 (33)0 (16)
BAL total cell count ×104/ml (IQR)106 (160)4.1 (44.5)
BAL neutrophil percentage (IQR)16.5 (26)1.2 (2.5)
FVC (IQR)69.5 (27.8)N/A
TLco (IQR)49.0 (13.0)N/A
  • Data expressed as median (IQR).

  • BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; FVC, forced vital capacity (expressed as percentage of normal); IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; TLco, carbon monoxide diffusion factor (expressed as percentage of normal).