Table 4 Joint associations between smoking and occupational exposure and COPD
Cigarette smoking status/occupational exposureTotal number of subjects (COPD + referent)Probability of COPDExcess probability*Crude ORAdjusted OR
Entire FLOW cohort
    Never/yes1450.600.161.92 (1.23 to 3.00)1.98 (1.26 to 3.09)
    Ever/no5120.830.406.44 (4.42 to 9.39)6.71 (4.58 to 9.82)
    Ever/yes6690.910.4713.3 (8.90 to 19.8)14.1 (9.33 to 21.2)
GOLD stage II or higher
    Never/yes940.380.121.72 (0.98 to 3.03)1.69 (0.96 to 2.97)
    Ever/no3490.760.498.63 (5.49 to 13.6)8.31 (5.27 to 13.1)
    Ever/yes4650.870.6119.1 (12.0 to 30.5)18.7 (11.6 to 30.0)
  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FLOW, Function, Living, Outcomes and Work study; GOLD, Global Obstructive Lung Disease initiative.

  • *Difference in unadjusted probability of COPD compared with referent group (rounding error accounts for lack of agreement in some cells).

  • Adjusted odds ratio controls for age, sex and race in addition to smoking status.