Table 1

Patient characteristics and CT scores for the study cohorts in the three transplant centres

Males5 (50%)8 (67%)21 (60%)34 (60%)
Age (years)28.5 (16–38)32.2 (16–49)24.4 (17–53)26.7 (16–53)
BMI (kg/m2)19.5 (16–26)20.0 (18–22)19.0 (15–27)19.0 (15–27)
Pancreatic insufficiency8 (80%)10 (83%)34 (97%)52 (91%)
Diabetes mellitus5 (50%)3 (25%)9 (26%)17 (30%)
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa10 (100%)11 (92%)32 (92%)53 (93%)
    Burkholderia cepacia complex02 (17%)2 (6%)4 (7%)
FEV1 (% predicted)24 (19–34)26 (15–38)27 (13–45)26 (13–45)
FVC (% predicted)43 (25–70)42 (29–67)43 (24–89)42 (24–89)
Brody-II scores
    Total score40 (32–60)48 (33–59)34 (17–52)37 (17–60)
    Bronchiectasis44 (29–57)60 (35–72)36 (25–60)41 (25–72)
    Mucus plugging31 (25–47)16 (8–42)19 (0–42)25 (0–47)
    Airway wall thickening31 (19–63)54 (26–69)35 (15–60)36 (15–69)
    Opacities11 (6–26)15 (7–26)9 (0–22)11 (0–26)
SALD scores
    Infection/inflammation24 (17–30)23 (17–41)23 (9–43)24 (9–43)
    Air trapping/hypoperfusion48 (27–61)36 (28–68)43 (24–61)43 (24–68)
    Bulla/cysts0 (0–11)4.5 (0–39)0 (0–13)0 (0–39)
    Normal/hyperperfusion29 (21–43)31 (10–46)31 (20–51)30 (10–51)
  • Data are given as patient numbers (%) or as median (range).

  • BMI, body mass index; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity; SALD, severe advanced lung disease.