Table 2 Definitions of tuberculosis treatment outcome indicators in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
CureCompleted full course of antituberculosis chemotherapy within 12 months of starting treatment or notification and documented culture conversion in sputum positive patients during treatment (ie, culture positive at start of treatment becoming culture negative)
CompletionCompleted full course of therapy within 1 year of starting treatment/notification
Treatment stoppedPatient found to have stopped treatment (by himself) or any other reason not mentioned below
DeathPatients who die while on treatment for tuberculosis or who were diagnosed post mortem or died without starting treatment
Still on treatment at 1 year: patient who is still on treatment at 1 year because:
    (a) Initially planned courseRegimen of 12 months or longer was planned at start of treatment (eg, CNS tuberculosis or drug resistant disease)
    (b) InterruptionNon-completion of a treatment regimen initially planned to last 12 months or less (but still taking initially planned combination of drugs) as a result of:
    interruption due to intolerance/side effects
    drug intake less than 80% of prescribed dose
    other interruption in taking prescribed treatment for 2 months or longer
    (c) ChangeA change and/or extension of the drug regimen as a result of (select one or more):
    intolerance/side effects
    initial drug resistance
    development of new drug resistance (change in drug susceptibilities during current treatment episode)
    failure to culture convert
    poor clinical response to treatment
Lost to follow-upPatient lost to follow-up before the end of treatment
Transferred outResponsibility for patient’s care transferred to another clinical team
UnknownNo treatment details available (eg, lost patient notes)