Table 2 Facilities for assessing cases of occupational lung disease
RatingMedian panel scoreFacility
Absolute necessity in all patients9Pre-bronchodilator FEV1 as a percent of predictedPre-bronchodilator FVC as a percent of predicted
Facility must be available8Peak flow monitoring and plotting of results
OASYS 2 analysis of peak flow records
Non-specific provocation challenge in the laboratory
Specific IgE to a wide variety of occupational allergens
Facility must be available7Carbon monoxide transfer factor (Tlco)
Transfer coefficient (Kco)
Non-specific challenge serially at work and away from work
Specific occupational challenge in the clinical laboratory
Chest radiography
Total IgE
Skin prick testing to common environmental allergens
Workplace visit by a clinician
Workplace challenge with peak flow monitoring/spirometry
Standard haematology/biochemistry (FBC, U&E, liver function, thyroid function, calcium)
Access to a toxicology database
Specific IgE testing to common environmental allergens
May be useful but not a necessity6–4Measurement of workplace exposure levels
Assessment of vocal cord dysfunction
Portable lung function logging device
Standardised occupational history form
Training in occupational medicine to at least Dip Occ Med
Total lung capacity
Not routinely required3Sputum eosinophils
Not routinely required2Exhaled nitric oxide
Expired carbon monoxide
Exhaled breath condensate for analysis of inflammatory markers