Abstract S118 Selected papers demonstrating an acute effect of erdosteine in smokers and COPD
Subjects/patients/treatmentBiomarkerOnset of action and effectReference
Healthy current smokers: 175 bid/placebo for 30 days; (serum)TBARSMinutes*: 5 (↓), 30 (↓↓)Basyigit et al, 2005
Chronic bronchitis current smokers: 300 mg bid/placebo for 5 days; (BAL)GSHHours: 2 (↑), 12 (↔)Mitrea et al, 1998
GSSG2 (↑), 12 (↑↑)
Healthy current smokers: 300mg bid for 7 days; (serum)MDADays: 7 (↓↓↓)Mancini et al, 1998
COPD (GOLD 0–2) current smokers: 300 mg bid for 10 days/placebo (serum)ROSDays: 4 (↓), 7 (↓), 10 (↓↓)Dal Negro et al, 2006
IL-84 (↓↓), 7 (↓↓), 10 (↓↓↓)
8-iso4 (↔), 7 (↔), 10 (↓)
  • TBARS, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, including malodialdehyde (MDA); BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; GSH, glutathione; GSSG, oxidised GSH; ROS, reactive oxygen species; IL-8, interleukin 8; 8-iso, 8 isoprostane.

  • *Time after smoking.