Table 5

 Univariable and multivariable models for predicting severe airflow obstruction in the 237 PI ZZ non-index men and women

Men OR (95% CI)Women OR (95% CI)
*Univariate model includes sex (male = 1), pack-years of cigarettes, ever-smoking (yes = 1), asthma (yes = 1), pneumonia (yes = 1), chronic bronchitis (yes = 1), index case (yes = 1).
†Multivariate model includes sex (male = 1), pack-years of cigarettes, ever-smoking (yes = 1), asthma (yes = 1), pneumonia (yes = 1), chronic bronchitis (yes = 1), index case (yes = 1).
‡Estimate for pack-years is for each pack-year smoked.
Number with severe airflow obstruction48/10620/131
Univariable predictors*
Pack-years of cigarettes‡1.07 (1.04 to 1.11)1.07 (1.02 to 1.11)
Ever smoking status6.14 (2.51 to 15.00)7.72 (2.14 to 27.86)
History of asthma6.70 (2.54 to 17.72)2.89(1.10 to 7.62)
History of chronic bronchitis5.20 (1.96 to 13.82)3.20 (1.11 to 9.23)
History of pneumonia4.61 (2.02 to 10.53)2.95 (1.00 to 8.66)
Multivariable predictors
Pack-years of cigarettes‡1.05 (1.00 to 1.10)1.03 (0.98 to 1.08)
Ever smoking status2.64 (0.65 to 10.68)5.41 (1.20 to 24.41)
History of asthma4.24 (1.38 to 13.07)2.44 (0.81 to 7.33)
History of chronic bronchitis3.76 (1.18 to 11.97)1.95 (0.56 to 6.84)
History of pneumonia4.14 (1.49 to 11.54)3.51 (1.04 to 11.85)