Table 1

 American Thoracic Society diagnostic criteria for pulmonary NTM disease*

NTM, non-tuberculous mycobacteria.
*A patient must meet clinical, radiographic and microbiological criteria to be classified as having pulmonary NTM disease according to American Thoracic Society guidelines.
ClinicalCompatible signs/symptoms (cough, fatigue, fever, weight loss, haemoptysis, dyspnoea), documented deterioration in clinical status and reasonable exclusion of other disease
RadiographicOn chest radiograph, any of:
infiltrates (progressive or persistent ⩾2 months)
multiple nodules
On high resolution computed tomographic scan, any of:
multiple small nodules
multifocal bronchiectasis
(if baseline films >1 year old, there should be evidence of progression)
MicrobiologicalWith at least three available sputum/bronchial wash samples in 1 year, any of:
three positive cultures
two positive cultures with any acid-fast bacilli seen on at least one smear
With only one available bronchial wash and inability to obtain sputum, any of:
positive culture with 2+, 3+ or 4+ growth
positive culture with more than rare acid-fast bacilli seen on smear assessment
With a tissue biopsy:
any growth on bronchopulmonary tissue biopsy
granuloma and/or acid-fast bacilli on lung biopsy with at least 1+ growth from sputum/bronchial wash