Table 1

 Exercise descriptions

Group AGroup B*
*These exercises were designed to avoid impact on upper body muscle strength.
Daily exercises
ComponentsHypoventilationShoulder rotations, forward curls, arm raises with controlled inspiratory-expiratory cycles
Breath hold at functional residual capacity“Control of breathing”: focusing on good posture and relaxation
Nasal route of breathingRoute of breathing not specified, with both mouth and nasal breathing demonstrated
Twice daily routineAbove components performed in:Above components performed in:
3 minute cycles for approximately 13 minutes3 minute cycles for approximately 13 minutes
While seatedWhile seated
Accompanied by footage of scenery
Symptom relief exercises
Shorter version of routine exercises“Control of breathing” exercises with or without physical manoeuvres
Reliever use instruction:Reliever use instruction:
If symptoms are not relieved at first by the exercises, try them againIf symptoms are not relieved at first by the exercises, try them again
If symptoms persist, use relieverIf symptoms persist, use reliever