Table 2

 Bacterial isolates (n = 98) obtained on admission to the PICU from the lower airway in 70 children with severe RSV bronchiolitis

Co-infection(>105 cfu/ml)Low bacterial growth(<105 cfu/ml)
23 patients had multiple organisms (18 had two, 5 had three bacteria); community organisms were involved in 91% of these cases compared with 77% single isolates (p = 0.2, Fisher’s exact test).
*67% (10/15) had chronic illnesses.
Community organisms28,30
H influenzae 1711
S aureus 1012
M catarrhalis 810
S pneumoniae 66
S pyogenes 1
Abnormal organisms28,30*
P aeruginosa 43
B pertussis 1
K pneumoniae 11
E coli 11
E cloacae and C freundii1
P mirabilis 1
S agalactiae 1
N meningitidis 1