Table 2 Characteristics of employees with respiratory symptoms, the asymptomatic control group who completed phase II and those meeting the case definitions for extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) and occupational asthma (OA) in phase III
(1) Respiratory symptoms on screening questionnaire(n = 454)(2) Met case definition for EAA(n = 19)*(3) Met case definition for OA(n = 66)†(4) Controls(n = 47)Statistical difference(1 vs 4)‡Statistical difference(2 vs 3 vs 4)§
Age (years)Mean (SD)44.7 (8.6)47.5 (7.9)43.4 (7.6)43.6 (10.5)p = 0.417p = 0.176
    Menn (%)419 (92.2%)17 (89.5%)59 (89.4%)43 (91.5%)p = 1.000Not done
    Women35 (7.8%)2 (10.5%)7 (10.6%)4 (8.5%)
    Caucasiann (%)396 (87.2%)18 (94.7%)53 (80.3%)44 (93.6%)p = 0.298p = 0.064
    Non-Caucasian58 (12.8%)1 (5.3%)13 (19.7%)3 (6.4%)
    Currentn (%)125 (28%)3 (15.8%)15 (22.7%)6 (14.3%)p = 0.086 (current vs others)p = 0.513 (current vs others)
    Ex127 (28%)7 (36.8%)18 (27.3%)13 (31.0%)
    Never197 (44%)9 (47.4%)33 (50%)23 (54.7%)
FEV1 (l)Mean (SD)3.52 (0.76)2.90 (0.66)3.45 (0.69)3.91 (0.76)
FEV1 (% predicted)Mean (SD)96.8 (15.8)83.4 (15.9)94.9 (14.9)102.8 (14.9)p = 0.012p<0.001
FVC (l)Mean (SD)4.50 (0.93)3.58 (0.74)4.40 (0.86)4.99 (0.98)
FVC (% predicted)Mean (SD)103.5 (15.7)85.1 (15.9)101.4 (14.9)110.0 (17.1)p = 0.008p<0.001
Works mostly in manufacturing
    Yesn (%)368 (81%)19 (100%)64 (97%)28 (60.9%)p = 0.002p<0.001
    Non (%)86 (19%)0 (0%)2 (3%)18 (39.1%)
Ever worked on machine with MWF
    Yesn (%)270 (60%)14 (73.7%)43 (65.2%)22 (46.8%)p = 0.111p = 0.06
    Non (%)180 (40%)5 (26.3%)23 (34.8%)25 (53.2%)
Duration of employment at factory (years)Median (IQR)10.5 (5–15)9 (4–12)12 (6–15)9 (4–15)p = 0.403p = 0.306
  • FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity; MWF, metal working fluid.

  • *Eight also had OA.

  • †Excludes eight with EAA.

  • ‡Analysis by t test for age, FEV1 and FVC; Mann-Whitney U test for duration of employment.

  • §Analysis by one-way ANOVA for age, FEV1 and FVC; Kruskal-Wallis test for duration of employment.

  • ‡,§Categorical data analysed by χ2 test.