Table 1

 Characteristics of the study population (n = 2936)

Baseline n (%)*Follow up n (%)*
%, prevalence; SD, standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range; ETS, environmental tobacco smoke; NA, not applicable/assessed.
*Unless otherwise specified.
†Atopy is defined as either at least one positive skin prick test (wheal size ⩾3 mm after subtraction of negative control) or specific serum IgE levels >0.7 kU/l (a panel of common aeroallergens tested for both).
Mean (SD) age (years)9.6 (0.56)17.1 (0.62)
    Female1592 (54.2)1592 (54.2)
    Male1344 (45.8)1344 (45.8)
Symptoms and diagnosis of respiratory disease
    Incident wheeze (yes)NA388 (13.2)
    Incident wheeze without a cold (yes)NA158 (5.8)
    Incidence of diagnosed asthma (yes)NA66 (2.6)
Parental history of
    Allergic disease (yes)1258 (43.2)NA
    Asthma (yes)241 (9.0)NA
Clinical examination
    Bronchial hyperreactivity (yes)186 (15.2)NA
    Atopy† (yes)780 (36.6)NA
    Median (IQR) plasma α1-antitrypsin (mg/dl)152.0 (25.0)NA
Active smoking during adolescence (yes)NA993 (34.1)
    Mean (SD) age at onset of smoking (years)NA14.1 (1.54)
    Duration of active smoking
        NeverNA1922 (66.4)
        ⩽2 yearsNA395 (13.6)
        2–4 yearsNA422 (14.6)
        >4 yearsNA156 (5.4)
    Mean (SD) duration of active smoking (years)NA2.6 (1.35)
    Intensity of active smoking
        NeverNA1922 (66.1)
        OccasionallyNA169 (5.8)
        Daily ⩽10 cigarettesNA440 (15.1)
        Daily >10 cigarettesNA378 (13.0)
Exposure to ETS (yes)1094 (38.9)1863 (63.9)
Exposure to ETS at home (yes)1094 (38.9)920 (40.2)
    Duration of ETS exposure
        NeverNA997 (34.4)
        ⩽1 h/dayNA560 (19.3)
        1–5 h/dayNA863 (29.8)
        >5 h/dayNA478 (16.5)