Table 1

 Mean (95% CI) survival of patients with idiopathic UIP and of those with UIP and connective tissue disease

VariableIdiopathic UIP(n = 64)UIP + CTD(n = 12)Total(n = 76)
CTD, connective tissue disease; FF, fibroblast focus.
*Mean survival was used since over half of the patients (4/6) were alive by the end of the study.
Median survival after diagnosis(months)69 (47 to 91)232* (182 to 281)91 (62 to 120)
Median survival after biopsy(months)49 (40 to 58)223* (167 to 280)59 (44 to 74)
    1–50 FF/cm260 (49 to 71)217* (185 to 249)89 (38 to 140)
(n = 28)(n = 6)(n = 34)
    >50 FF/cm244 (30 to 58)201* (100 to 301)49 (36 to 62)
(n = 36)(n = 6)(n = 42)