Table 1

 Comparison between the ventilation values prescribed and those set on the control panel of the ventilator

VariableMean (SD) value prescribedMean (SD)differenceDifference Limits of agreementDifference Actual range
e, minute ventilation; f, frequency; I/E, inspiratory/expiratory time; Pins, inspiratory pressure; Pexp, expiratory pressure.
e, f and I/E were measured in the 153 patients on volume preset ventilators; Pins and Pexp were measured in the 137 patients on pressure preset ventilators.
e (l/min)11.09 (2.53)−0.12 (1.38)−2.88/2.64−5.00/6.40
p = 0.298
f (cycles/min)17.99 (2.66)0.02 (1.30)−2.58/2.62−4.00/12.00
p = 0.854
I/E0.85 (0.15)−0.00 (0.19)−0.38/0.38−0.48/0.37
p = 0.822
Pins (cm H2O)17.57 (3.05)−0.23 (1.52)−2.77/2.32−4.00/6.00
p = 0.079
Pexp (cm H2O)5.10 (1.76)−0.32 (0.89)−2.10/1.46−4.00/4.00