Table 1

 Patient admission data (7529 patients from 234 units)

ItemMetric% Patient data completeness
FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; Pco2, Po2, carbon dioxide and oxygen tensions.
Age group<55, 55–9, 60–4, 65–9, 70–4, 75–9, 80–4, 85+99.9
SexMale, female99.9
Admitting physicianRespiratory, care of the elderly (CoE), general, other98
Previous COPD admissionYes, no94
Living aloneAlone, with others94
Social circumstancesOwn home without social care, own home with social care, warden controlled, residential, other82
Performance statusNormal, strenuous, limited activity, limited self care,bed/chair bound88
Co-morbidityYes, no to presence in notes of heart disease, stroke,other chest problems, diabetes, locomotor problems, visual impairment100
Smoking statusCurrent, ex (stopped >3 months ago), lifelong non-smoker95
Pack years of smoking<20, 20–39, 40–59, 60+46 current/ex
Chest radiographyYes, no to suspected/definite cancer, changes consistent with COPD, pneumonia, other abnormalities82
Signs/symptomsIncreasing level of breathlessness97
Increasing volume of sputum81
Changes in colour of sputum78
Colour of sputum80
Weight (kg)<57.1, 57.1–73.0, >73.040
FEV1 tertiles (most recent in last 5 years)M <0.77, F <0.60; M 0.77–1.15, F 0.60–0.90;M >1.15, F >0.9055
% predicted FEV1 tertiles<31%, 31–51%, >51%43
Serum albumin (g/l)<34, 34+67
Blood urea (μmol/l)⩽7.1, >7.192
Blood creatinine tertiles (mmol/l)<78, 78–99, 100+92
pH<7.26, 7.26–7.34, 7.35+82
Bicarbonate<23, 23–30, >3073
Pco2 (kPa)⩽6.0, >6.081
Po2 (kPa)<7.3, 7.3–8.0, >8.081
Respiratory rate<20, 20–9, 30+81
Saturated oxygen on inspired fraction<86%, 86–92%, >92%90 inspired fractions