Table 1

 Systematic review of asthma self-management education47

Types of interventions studiedNo of studies (%)
InformationTransfer of information about asthma and its management36 (100%)
Self-monitoringRegular assessment of either symptoms or peak expiratory flow by the participant33 (92%)
Regular reviewAssessment of asthma control, severity and medications by a medical practitioner24 (67%)
Written action planAn individualised written plan produced for the purpose of patient self-management of asthma exacerbations. The action plan is characterised by being individualised to the patient’s underlying asthma severity and treatment. It also informs the patient when and how to modify medications and when and how to access the medical system in response to worsening asthma18 (50%)
Optimal self-management interventionIncludes all the above four components15 (42%)