Table 2

 Characteristics of randomised controlled trials comparing exercise modalities and intensities

StudyPopulationExercise programmesRehabilitation programmeOutcomes
Wmax, maximum exercise capacity; IET, incremental exercise test; CWRT, constant work rate test; 6 and 12MWT, 6 and 12 minute walk test; Edu, education; BE, breathing exercises; Psy, psychological support; Rel, relaxation exercises; CRQ, Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire; BDI and TDI, baseline and transitional dyspnoea index; PFSS, pulmonary function status scale.
Coppoolse4321 male COPD patients (mean FEV1 36.8% predicted, mean age 65 years)Group 1: Continuous ergometer cycling at 60% of Wmax; Group 2: Interval ergometer cycling at 90% of Wmax (1 min) and 45% of Wmax (2 min) 3 days/week plus continuous ergometer cycling at 60% of Wmax 2 days/weekSessions of 30 min, 5×/week for 8 weeks, EduIET, CWRT, Borg scale
Vogiatzis3545 COPD patients (62% men, mean FEV1 34.1% predicted, mean age 65 years)Group 1: Continuous ergometer cycling at 50% of Wmax weeks 1–4, at 60% weeks 5–8 and at 70% weeks 9–12; Group 2: Interval ergometer cycling at 100% of Wmax (30 s) and 45% of Wmax (30 s) weeks 1–4, at 120% weeks 5–8 and at 140% weeks 9–12Sessions of 40 min, 2×/week for 12 weeks, Edu, BE, Psy, RelIET, Borg scale, CRQ
Kaelin4419 COPD patients (89% men, mean FEV1 26.9% predicted, mean age 67 years)Group 1: Continuous walking on stepper (70 steps/minute) or treadmill (1.5 miles/hour). Increase of 1 MET every 2 weeks; Group 2: Interval walking on stepper (70 steps/minute) or treadmill (1.5 miles/hour) with active to rest ratio of 2:1. Increase of 1 MET every 2 weeksSessions of 10–30 min, 3×/week for 6 weeks, Edu, BE, Psy, Rel6MWT
Martinez4635 COPD patients (40% males, mean FEV1 32.1% predicted, mean age 66 years)Group 1: Ergometer cycling (10–30 min) + supported arm exercises (arm ergometer [⩽15 min] both at Borg dyspnoea score of 3 ?and rating of perceived exertion of 12–14); Group 2: Ergometer cycling (10–30 min) + unsupported arm exercises (five exercises for elbow flexion/extension, arm abduction/adduction and shoulder circles with wooden dowels)Sessions of 30 min, 3×/week for 10 weeks, respiratory muscle training (15 min 2/day)IET, 12MWT, arm ergometry and dowel lifting
Rooyackers4524 COPD patients (83% men, mean FEV1 41.5% predicted, mean age 59 years)Group 1: Interval ergometer cycling (20 min, exercise/rest ratio 2 min/2 min) + upper and lower extremity strength exercise; Group 2: As for group 1 + cycle ergometer eccentric exercise (“negative work”) at highest intensity sustainable for 15 minutesSessions of 20–35 min, 5×/week for 10 weeksIET, 6MWT, CRQ
Casaburi4719 male COPD patients (mean FEV1 56% predicted, mean age 51 years)Group 1: Continuous ergometer cycling at 80% of Wmax; Group 2: Continuous ergometer cycling at 40% of WmaxSessions of 45 min, 5×/week for 8 weeks, EduIET, CWRT
Vallet4824 COPD patients (75% men, mean FEV1 58.5% predicted, mean age 57 years)Group 1: Standardised exercise protocol with continuous ergometer cycling at 50% of maximum heart reserve ( =  maximum heart rate – heart rate at rest)/2 + heart rate at rest); Group 2: Individualised exercise protocol with continuous ergometer cycling at the individual gas exchange threshold (anaerobic threshold)Sessions of 45 min, 5×/week for 4 weeks, Edu, BEIET