Table 2

 Summary of changes occurring in respiratory muscle fibres in relation to changes in physiological conditions, diseases, and pharmacological treatments

Fibre typeFibre sizeFatigue resistanceContractile strength
↑, increase; ↓, decrease;  = , no change; NA, not available.
*Data available on limb skeletal muscle fibres, no information about respiratory muscles.
†Change restricted to diaphragm as opposite changes have been found in limb skeletal muscles165–167 and in expiratory muscles.171
Perinatal development19,33,34↑ slow fibres
Ageing102–109↑slow fibres = ↓
Endurance training64–75 = NA
Disuse42–47*↑ fast fibresNA
Malnutrition128–140,142–145↑ fast fibres↓ (fast fibres)↓ (in proportion to fibre size)
Chronic corticosteroid treatment147–151↑ slow fibres↓ (fast fibres)
Chronic β agonist treatment152–156↑ fast fibres↓ (slow fibres) =  = 
COPD↑ slow fibres18NANANA
Hypoxia173–177↑ fast fibresNANA