Table 1

 Characteristics of current and ex-smokers by sex and age of starting to smoke

Male smokers (n = 1294)Male ex-smokers (n = 5792)Female smokers (n = 1416)Female ex-smokers (n = 4002)
Figures are mean (SD) or % (n).
Cigarettes per day = the mean number of cigarettes smoked per day while an active smoker.
“Any OAD” is defined as the presence of doctor diagnosed asthma or doctor diagnosed bronchitis/emphysema, or self- reported taking of medication for airways disease.
*p<0.05, †p⩽0.01, ‡p⩽0.001 for the difference within smoking categories between those who started to smoke in childhood (age <16 years) and those who started in adulthood (age ⩾16 years).
Percentage (n)37.2 (481)62.8 (813)27.2 (1575)72.8 (4217)16.2 (230)83.8 (1186)12.0 (481)88.0 (3521)
Age (years)56.8 (8.9)57.6 (8.9)60.4‡ (9.2)61.5‡ (9.2)53.7‡ (8.1)56.7‡ (8.7)56.2‡ (9.4)60.1‡ (9.6)
Age started smoking (years)13.9‡ (1.6)18.4‡ (4.0)14.1‡ (1.3)18.3‡ (3.2)14.4‡ (1.1)20.5‡ (6.1)14.4‡ (1.0)20.0‡ (5.2)
Cigarettes per day19.2‡ (7.1)16.3‡ (7.1)20.3‡ (9.9)15.9‡ (9.2)15.5‡ (5.9)13.2‡ (5.9)15.6‡ (8.0)10.8‡ (7.3)
Years of smoking42.9‡ (9.2)39.2‡ (9.4)23.9‡ (15.8)19.2‡ (14.2)39.3‡ (8.3)36.2‡ (9.6)23.3‡ (14.6)18.2‡ (13.3)
Pack years38.1‡ (17.8)29.2‡ (15.9)26.1‡ (20.3)16.6‡ (16.1)28.0‡ (13.2)22.7‡ (13.3)19.6‡ (15.2)11.3‡ (12.2)
Asthma, % (n)5.4 (26)6.8 (55)8.8 (138)7.9 (334)11.3* (26)7.3* (86)12.7 (61)10.3 (362)
Bronchitis/emphysema, % (n)11.5 (55)10.5 (85)11.6† (182)9.2† (389)21.3‡ (49)13.2‡ (156)14.0* (67)10.4* (366)
“Any OAD”, % (n)16.3 (78)14.6 (199)17.9* (281)15.3* (644)27.8‡ (64)18.3‡ (217)23.5† (113)18.6† (653)