Table 3

 Prevalence and intensity of directly measured SHS exposure among non-smoking adults with asthma during the previous 3 months: hair analysis

Hair measurement†PrevalenceNicotine concentration among those with any exposure (ng/mg hair)
†First 1 cm of hair corresponds approximately to exposure during the previous month; 2–3 cm of hair corresponds approximately to exposure during the previous 2–3 months.
p>0.50 in all cases for comparison of prevalence in ICU v hospital only group (likelihood ratio χ2 test).
Previous month
    ICU (n = 20)11 (55%)
    Hospital only (n = 118)72 (61%)
    Total (n = 138)83 (60%)
Previous 2–3 months
    ICU (n = 19)12 (63%)
    Hospital only (n = 105)74 (70%)
    Total (n = 124)86 (69%)
Previous month
    ICU (n = 20)15 (75%)
    Hospital only (n = 118)88 (75%)0.010.0850.78
    Total (n = 138)103 (75%)
Previous 2–3 months
    ICU (n = 19)15 (79%)
    Hospital only (n = 105)88 (84%)
    Total (n = 124)103 (83%)