Table 2

Mean (SE) values of exercise performance, breathing pattern, exercise duration, respiratory pressures, energetics and sensation at rest and maximal exercise (Wmax) for the euvolumic and hyperinflating subjects

To permit comparison between different subjects, Pga data are presented as abdominal pressures (Pab) by subtracting the hydrostatic pressure gradient.
*p<0.05, hyperinflators v euvolumics.
†10 watt.
Exercise duration (min)11.8 (1.0)8.8 (1.3)13.7 (1.4)*
Wmax (watt)29.0 (3.4)20.0 (4.2)35.0 (4.8)*
Breathing frequency (/min)16.8 (1.0)27.3 (1.6)18.5 (1.0)26.9 (3.1)15.59 (1.49)27.51 (1.69)
Ti (s)1.47 (0.11)0.91 (0.06)1.27 (0.06)0.94 (0.10)1.61 (0.20)0.90 (0.07)
Te (s)2.41 (0.18)1.49 (0.15)2.03 (0.13)1.62 (0.35)2.67 (0.32)1.40 (0.14)
Minute ventilation (l/min)12.7 (1.0)37.1 (2.5)12.7 (0.9)35.9 (4.2)12.6 (1.6)37.9 (3.2)
Maximum Ppl (cm H2O)3.5 (1.4)14.0 (4.6)4.4 (2.9)22.6 (8.5)2.7 (1.5)6.8 (3.4)
Maximum Pab (cm H2O)5.8 (1.7)14.2 (4.6)6.7 (3.7)22.1 (9.0)5.1 (2.0)7.6 (2.6)
Work of breathing (cm H2O·l/min)140 (31)456 (132)†155 (12)754 (228)†130 (47)277 (77)*†
Oxygen consumption (ml/min)259 (14)558 (20)†248 (10)539 (29)†267 (25)570 (29)†
Heart rate (bpm)86 (5)104 (3)95 (6)102 (6)80 (6)105 (3)
Breathlessness0.8 (0.3)4.8 (0.5)1.1 (0.5)4.9 (0.9)0.6 (0.3)4.8 (0.5)
Leg effort1.6 (0.5)5.6 (0.5)3.1 (0.6)6.6 (0.8)0.6 (0.3)*4.9 (0.5)