Table 1

Characteristics and physiological data of hospitalised COPD patients, clinically stable COPD patients, and healthy elderly subjects

Hospitalised COPD patients, day 3 (n=34)Clinically stable COPD patients (n=13)Healthy elderly subjects (n=10)
Values are expressed as mean (SD).
BMI=body mass index; FEV1=forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC=forced vital capacity; Tlco=carbon monoxide transfer factor; Pimax=maximal inspiratory mouth pressure; HGF=handgrip force; QPT=quadriceps peak torque; Pao2, Paco2= arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tension.
*p<0.05 v clinically stable COPD patients.
†p<0.05 v healthy elderly subjects.
Age (years)69 (7)68 (10)68 (8)
BMI (kg/m2)24 (5)*†28 (3)27 (3)
FEV1 (% pred)40 (17)†50 (15)†107 (10)
FEV1/FVC (%)41 (11)†43 (10)†74 (4)
Tlco (% pred)50 (24)62 (22)
Pao2 (kPa)8.9 (1.7)9.5 (1.9)
Paco2 (kPa)6.0 (1.7)5.7 (0.6)
Pimax (% pred)70 (27)†84 (22)†116 (25)
HGF (% pred)86 (24)*†104 (22)112 (14)
QPT (% pred)66 (22)*†86 (16)†103 (20)