Table 1

Clinical characteristics of study subjects

Healthy non-atopic controls (n=6)Asthma (n=8)COPD (n=7)
Results expressed as mean (SE).
FEV1=forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC=forced vital capacity; PC20=concentration provoking a fall in FEV1 of 20% or more; N/A=not applicable.
Age (years)31.1 (1.2)30.9 (2.2)63.1 (4.2)
Sex (F/M)4/25/30/8
FEV1 (% predicted)96.6 (4.1)90.8 (4.5)55.1 (5.9)
PC20 (mg/ml)N/A1.4 (0.5)N/A
Current smokers (%)
Pack years0.00.052.6 (5.3)
FEV1/FVC ratio77.8 (3.6)87.7 (3.3)55.5 (5.9)
DrugsNilβ2 agonist ×1/week3 nil, 1 β2 agonist only, 3 on >400 μg BDP