Table 2

Numbers of mast cells and neutrophils within submucosal mucous glands in cartilaginous airways, and percentage of degranulated mast cells in submucosal mucous glands only and across the entire airway wall

Fatal asthmaNon-fatal asthmaControls
*p<0.05 compared with controls; **p<0.05 compared with cases of fatal asthma and controls; †p<0.05 compared with glands only; ‡p<0.05 compared with cases of non-fatal asthma and controls.
Mast cells (/mm2)23 (6)39 (9)**23 (3)
Neutrophils (/mm2)3 (1)*4 (2)*0.06 (0.002)
% degranulated mast cells (glands only)90 (5)‡83 (6)*45 (9)
% degranulated mast cells (total airway wall)77 (5)†‡65 (6)*†42 (4)