Table 2

Intensive care data and length of stay of intubated and non-intubated COPD admissions during the study period

IntubatedNon-intubatedp value
FEV1=forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC=forced vital capacity; Pao2, Paco2=arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tension.
Age (years)65.5 (9.0) (n=63)65 (8.8) (n=11)0.9
APACHE II22.7 (7.6) (n=63)18.9 (4.0) (n=11)0.1
Paco2(kPa)12.2 (3.1) (n=57)11.1 (2.6) (n=11)0.3
pH7.13 (0.13) (n=54)7.14 (0.09) (n=10)0.9
Pao2(kPa)13.0 (10.4) (n=57)11.2 (4.4) (n=11)0.6
Fio20.37 (0.14) (n=54)0.39 (0.12) (n=10)0.7
FEV1 (l)0.70 (0.28) (n=51)0.96 (0.55) (n=9)0.05*
FVC (l)1.58 (0.65) (n=50)1.95 (0.84) (n=9)0.1
ICU stay (days)3.9 (3.2) (n=63)1.6 (1.2) (n=11)0.03*
Hospital stay (days)16.8 (13.3) (n=63)11.4 (4.2) (n=11)0.2