Table 1

Patient details and sputum cell counts in normal controls, atopic and non-atopic subjects

NormalAll patientsβ agonist onlyInhaled steroidsAll patientsβ agonist onlyInhaled steroids
FEV1=forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC=forced vital capacity; PC20=concentration of methacholine provoking a fall in FEV1 of 20% or more; TCC=total cell count.
Values are mean (SE) except for †geometric mean (log SE) and ‡median (IQR)
*p<0.05 atopic v non-atopic subjects; **p<0.01 atopic v non-atopic subjects.
Male (%)4763.8**62.3**34.034.5**37.8**30.2
Age34 (16)39 (21)**40 (21)**38 (38)**53 (18)**54 (25)**50 (20)**
Age at onset16 (31)**27 (38)**11 (19)**47 (25)**48 (26)**45 (24)**
FEV1 (% predicted)98.8 (5.6)86.5 (1.4)91.6 (1.6)80.7 (2.4)85.7 (1.4)88.8 (1.8)81.7 (1.9)
FEV1/FVC (%)85.3 (1.3)75.1 (0.9)76.2 (1.0)73.8 (1.7)73.0 (0.1)74.1 (0.9)71.6 (1.2)
Methacholine PC20 (mg/ml)†>160.68 (0.07 )**0.89 (0.11)*0.50 (0.11)*1.34 (0.06)**1.58 (0.07)*1.06 (0.09)*
PEF amplitude % mean8.5 (0.9)26.0 (2.0)22.2 (2.1)30.1 (4.0)21.7 (1.3)18.7 (1.4)25.0 (2.2)
Blood eosinophils (%)2.2 (0.6)4.6 (0.4)4.1 (0.4)5.1 (0.8)3.7 (0.3)3.6 (0.4)3.9 (0.4)
Sputum TCC (× 106/ml)2.8 (0.5)2.3 (0.3)2.3 (0.4)2.2 (0.5)2.0 (0.4)1.4 (0.2)2.6 (0.7)
Squamous cells (%)5.1 (14.)4.4 (15.3)3.8 (14.8)4.7 (15.8)3.8 (10.0)4.4 (11.3)3.80 (8.4)
Viability (%)60.8 (2.8)61.7 (2.0)63.5 (2.7)59.6 (3.5)62.6 (1.7)60.6 (2.1)65.0 (2.7)
Eosinophils (%)‡0.0 (0.3)2.5 (7.0)4.4 (9.0)*1.1 (1.4)*2.0 (12.6)1.5 (6.9)*3.3 (20.4)*
Neutrophils (%)30.8 (3.3)45.0 (2.5)**44.2 (3.3)**45.9 (4.4)54.1 (2.3)**57.1 (2.9)**49.9 (3.6)
Macrophages (%)61.0 (3.0)43.5 (2.4)**42.4 (3.0)**44.7 (4.2)**32.8 (2.0)**33.0 (2.5)**32.5 (3.1)**
Lymphocytes (%)1.4 (0.4)1.0 (0.1)1.0 (0.1)0.9 (0.3)0.8 (0.1)0.8 (0.2)0.8 (0.2)
Epithelial cells (%)3.8 (0.9)3.2 (0.5)3.2 (0.8)3.3 (0.8)2.7 (0.4)2.8 (0.5)2.7(0.6)