Table 1

Physical characteristics and peak exercise responses before and after training

Assisted (n=10)Unassisted (n=9)
FEV1=forced expiratory volume in 1 second; RV=residual volume; TLC=total lung capacity; Kco=carbon monoxide transfer coefficient; Pao2, Paco2=arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions; Ve=minute ventilation.
*p<0.001 compared with before training.
†p<0.0005 compared with before training, p<0.005 compared with unassisted.
Age (years)68 (9.1)66 (6.8)
Weight (kg)77.2 (25.5)70.3 (22.8)
Height (cm)177.7 (6.3)169 (6)
FEV1 (l)0.78 (0.22)0.76 (0.17)0.78 (0.18)0.78 (0.18)
FEV1 (% pred)26 (7)24 (6)28 (7)28 (9)
RV/TLC (%)59 (15)61 (9)62 (9)61 (8)
Kco (% pred)51 (24)55 (24)
Pao2 (kPa)8.1 (1.2)7.6 (2)8.6 (0.9)8.6 (0.9)
Paco2 (kPa)5.8 (0.9)5.8 (1.5)5.6 (0.7)5.5 (0.6)
Peak work rate (W)45.6 (10.7)51.7 (10.3)*43.5 (12)57 (13.2)†
Peak Ve (l/min)24.4 (5.8)24.7 (5.9)26.2 (7.7)27.1 (7.7)
Peak Ve ( %MVV)92.5 (19.6)97 (25)
Breathing reserve2.8 (5.5)1.1 (6.1)
Peak lactate (mmol/l)2.84 (0.54)3 (1.06)3 (1.1)2.9 (0.83)
Peak heart rate (beats/min)117 (10.5)120 (10.9)117 (10.9)120 (9.8)
Peak heart rate (% maximum)77 (8.3)76 (8)