Table 2

Mean2-1 maximum fall in FEV1, FEF25-75, and PEF in four subjects following challenge with wine of varying sulfite concentrations (study 1)

Sulfite free (∼20 ppm) Low sulfite (75 ppm) Moderate sulfite
(150 ppm)
High sulphite (300 ppm)
FEV1 (%)–4.4 (–13.2 to 4.4)–6.5 (–17.9 to 4.9)–1.4 (–14.2 to 11.3)–28.7 (–49.7 to –7.7)2-150
FEF25–75 (%)–10.5 (–34.8 to 13.8)–11.4 (–38.1 to 15.3)–1.1 (–34.3 to 32.2)–48,4 (–81.9 to –14.9)2-160
PEF (%)–7.2 (–17.2 to 2.8)–9.4 (–18.5 to –0.2)–3.2 (–21.9 to 15.6)–28.3 (–46.7 to –10.0)2-150
  • FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second; FEF25-75 = mean expired flow over the middle half of the FVC manoeuvre; PEF = peak expiratory flow.

  • 2-1 Means are expressed as a percentage of baseline values (95% CI).

  • 2-150 p<0.05,

  • 2-160 p<0.01 compared with sulfite free wine.