Table 1

Group mean (SE) baseline lung function data for the raised volume rapid thoracic compression (RVRTC) method and the low frequency forced oscillation technique (LFOT)

Lung function parameter Mean (SE) Z score (SE) COV (SE)%
FEV0.5(ml)201.9 (12.4)–0.28 (0.23)3.8 (0.7)
Raw (cmH2O • s/l)18.3 (1.2)0.10 (0.25)8.3 (1.3)
Iaw (cmH2O • s2/l)0.11 (0.01)11.5 (1.7)
G (cmH2O/l)29.4 (3.0)–0.41 (0.22)14.4 (1.9)
H (cmH2O/l)145.8 (10.2)0.77 (0.23)§ 8.7 (1.4)
  • FEV0.5 = forced expiratory volume in 0.5 seconds; Raw = airway resistance; Iaw = airway inertance; G = tissue damping; H = tissue elastance; COV = coefficient of variation.

  • The standardised variants (Z score) were calculated using the regression equations previously reported (Z scores are not available for Iaw).15 With the exception of H, lung function parameters were not significantly different from normal (*p<0.01).