Table 1

Scoring system to measure the likelihood of bias (Jadad3)

1. Study described as ramdomised (this includes the use of words such as “random”, “randomly” and “randomisation”)
2. Study described as double blind?
3. Description of withdrawals and dropouts?
4. Method to generate the sequence of randomisation described and appropriate (table of random numbers, computer generated, etc)?
5. Method of double blinding described and appropriate (identical placebo, active placebo, dummy etc)?
6. Method to generate the sequence of randomisation described and inappropriate (patients were allocated alternately or according to their date of birth, hospital number, etc).
7. Method of double blinding described and inappropriate (e.g. comparison of tablet vs. injection with no double dummy).
  • For questions 1–5 Yes = 1 point and No = 0 points. Deduct 1 point if questions 6 or 7 apply.