Table 3

Percentage of asthma cases attributable to atopy (defined as a total serum IgE level of 100+ IU/ml) in population based studies

ReferenceAgeNon-asthmaticsAsthmaticsRelative risk% of cases attributable to atopyDefinition of asthma
No.Atopy (%)No.Atopy (%)
Burrows et al 4 6–349943089736.361“Asthma” + symptoms
35–544981847576.048“Asthma” + symptoms
55+92813101343.524“Asthma” + symptoms
Remes and Korppi28 7–122044543380.7–16Clinical examination
Sears et al 35 115004662899.580Diagnosed current asthma
Burrows et al 36 3-150 15+225512160384.530Current diagnosed asthma
Sunyer et al 20 20–44176125155503.033Asthma attack ever
Bodner et al 33 39–4521713102232.011Adult onset wheeze
  • 3-150 Atopy defined as a total serum IgE level of 160+ IU/ml.