Table 5

Total quality of life and subscales of quality of life scores for the intervention and control groups after education

Asthma quality of life (maximum score)GroupMean (SD) scoreMean change (SD) in score for pairs (95% confidence interval)Difference in mean change in score at 6 months (95% confidence interval)Statistics
Immediately after intervention6 months6 months - baseline
Total (10)Intervention2.49 (1.9)2.73 (2.0)−0.41 (2.2)
(n = 34)(n = 30)(−1.27 to 0.45)−0.26t = 0.76
(n = 29)(−1.3 to 0.77)p = 0.44
Control2.72 (2.1)−0.67 (2.0)5-159
(n = 47)(−1.25 to −0.08)
(n = 47)
Breathlessness (10)Intervention3.11 (2.7)3.00 (2.5)−0.07 (2.1)
(n = 34)(n = 29)(−0.89 to 0.75)
(n = 28)−0.71t = 1.23
Control2.87 (2.6)−0.78 (2.6)(−1.82 to 0.41)p = 0.22
(n = 47)(−1.56 to 0)
(n = 47)
Mood disturbance (10)Intervention2.35 (2.3)2.83 (2.3)−0.16 (2.9)
(n = 34)(n = 30)(−1.2 to 0.92)−0.46t = 0.83
(n = 29)(−1.76 to 0.84)p = 0.40
Control2.46 (2.1)−0.62 (2.5)
(n = 47)(−1.3 to 0.12)
(n = 47)
Social disruption (10)Intervention1.88 (2.1)2.36 (2.4)−0.38 (2.4)
(n = 34)(n = 30)(−1.3 to 0.54)−0.24t = 0.51
(n = 29)(−1.3 to 0.83)p = 0.61
Control2.29 (2.5)−0.62 (1.9)
(n = 47)(−1.20 to 0)
(n = 47)
Concern for health (10)Intervention2.19 (1.9)2.60 (2.2)−0.68 (2.6)
(n = 34)(n = 30)(−1.6 to 0.32)−0.02t = 0.21
(n = 29)(−1.19 to 1.16)p = 0.83
Control2.85 (2.5)−0.66 (2.2)
(n = 47)(−1.30 to 0)
(n = 47)
  • 5-159 p = 0.03.

  • The number of subjects varies either because some subjects did not respond completely or because they responded to less than 50% of the items required.