Table 2

Adverse psychosocial factors in near fatal (NFA) and fatal asthma

Depression or other psychiatric illness currently or previously+1 2 +5-8
Denial+1 2 3 +7 8
Personality disorder+5
Psychiatric caseness+2 +7
Current or recent use of major tranquillisers or sedatives+4 +4 9
Deliberate self harm+8
Learning disability or mentally retarded+3 +8
Psychiatric history in a first degree relative+2 +7
Alcohol or drug abuse+3 +5 6 8
Recent bereavement+5
Severe domestic stress+3 +8
Social isolation, living alone, homeless+3 +6 8
Unemployment, self employment, threatened redundancy+3 +5 8
Marital problems+6
Separated or single parenthood+3 +8
Extreme povety+8
Childhood abuse+6 8
Smoking or passive smoking+3 +8
Legal problems+6
  • 2-1 Yellowlees and Ruffin23;2Campbell et al 24;3Innes et al 27;4Joseph et al 29; 5Reaet al 52; 6Wareham et al 37; 7Campbell et al 26; 8Mohan et al 39; 9Ryan et al 30.

  • Many patients had more than one adverse factor.