Table 1

Criteria for determining daily asthma score.

Asthma scoreScoring criteria
Score 0: stable asthmaEITHER:
Morning PEFR greater than 90% of run in best value AND number of puffs of supplementary bronchodilator less than 7 per 24 h
Morning PEFR 76–90% of run in best value BUT WITHOUT deterioration in any of the symptom scores as listed below
Score 1: mildly unstableEITHER:
Two or more of the following:
1. Morning PEFR 76–90% of run in best value
2. Supplementary bronchodilator use: 7 or more puffs per 24 h greater than rounded mean1-150 during run in
3. Deterioration in symptom score of 1 point or more compared to rounded mean1-150 for run in for:
- Daytime or night-time chest tightness/wheeze/dyspnoea OR
- Daytime or night-time cough OR
- Sputum production OR
- Exercise/activity OR
4. Appearance/deterioration in nocturnal wakening
Morning PEFR 61–75% of run in best value BUT WITHOUT deterioration in any symptom scores as listed above
Score 2: minor deteriorationEITHER:
Morning PEFR 61–75% of run in best value AND two or more of the criteria listed for asthma score 1
Morning PEFR 40–60% of run in best value BUT WITHOUT deterioration in any symptom scores listed for asthma score 1
Score 3: major deteriorationMorning PEFR 40–60% of run in best value AND two or more of the criteria listed for asthma score 1
Score 4: major exacerbation/medical emergencyEITHER:
Morning PEFR less than 40% of run in best value irrespective of symptoms
Attendance at general practitioner or hospital emergency department because of severe asthma
  • 1-150 Mean symptom score for last 14 days of run in period, rounded to nearest whole number.