
227 e-Letters

published between 2015 and 2018


    The global increase in air travel, with over 3.97 billion people traveling by air each year, and the ageing population, increase the number of those with an illness who wish to travel (1). Even more, in countries like Greece with hundreds of islands, health professionals are frequently asked to assess a patient’s fitness to fly. Doctors can receive advice and guidance mainly from two sources: the IATA passenger medical clearance guidelines (2) and the Aerospace Medical Association in which the British Thoracic Society’s recommendations for air travel (3) are suggested.
    Many respiratory conditions can affect a passenger’s fitness to fly with pulmonary embolism being the most debatable (3). A major question that respiratory physicians frequently have to answer, mostly with visitors from overseas who need to be repatriated following diagnosis of pulmonary embolism, is about the right time to “fly with a clot”. The British Thoracic Society guidelines recommend against airline travel during the first four weeks following pulmonary embolism (3). On the other hand, in the IATA medical guidelines published in 2018 it is suggested that patients can fly 5 days after an acute pulmonary embolism episode, if they receive anticoagulation and their PaO2 is normal on room air (2). Although there is little scientific evidence to support the above mentioned recommendations, the huge difference in the suggested period can really confuse healthcare professionals. Moreover, asking patie...

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  • The effect of living at high altitude and living in urban settings on lung function decline

    We read with interest the findings of Miele et al. on the relationship between environmental exposures and decline in lung function (1). The authors reported that living in urban settings and living at high altitude were associated with accelerated decline in pre-bronchodilator FEV1 and FVC. Investigating the effects at area level is important from a public health perspective and extra analysis on this valuable dataset as suggested below will help to untangle these links further.
    Study participants were recruited from four settings in Peru: Lima, Tumbles, urban Puno and rural Puno (1). Urban living and high-altitude dwelling (as binary variables) were defined based on these four settings. The authors compared the effect of urban living (Lima and urban Puno) with rural living (Tumbes and rural Puno); and the effect of high-altitude dwelling (urban Puno and rural Puno) with low-altitude dwelling (Lima and Tumbes). It is possible that the observed independent effects found by the authors of urban living and high-altitude dwelling may be driven by the urban Puno group (high altitude and urban living). In other words, there may be an interaction between urban living and high-altitude dwelling and investigating this potential interaction would be informative.
    As discussed by the authors, the adverse effect of high-altitude dwelling on lung function decline may partly be related to hypoxia and adverse effects from living in urban settings may be related to outdoor air...

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  • Impact of electronic cigarette on our health

    According to recent study published by Sebastian et al., (1) electronic cigarette vapor impairs the activity of alveolar macrophages, which engulf and remove dust particles, bacteria, and allergens that have evaded the other mechanical defenses of the respiratory tract. This study finding is important and it shows that the long term health impact of e-cigarettes use may be more harmful than we know (2).

    Meanwhile, industry, tobacco research community and the online information are promoting electronic cigarette as a less harmful tobacco cessation tool. However, before more leeway to advertise the harm-reduction benefits of vaping products, we believe that the first step would be to establish whether vaping products are indeed safer tobacco cessation device or harm reduction tool (3). Moreover, currently available evidence (including clinical guidelines and position statements of credible medical organizations) based information need to ensure that people are protected from commercial interests and are able to make informed decisions based on current best evidence on electronic cigarette and its long term health effects (3). It is our moral obligation that we should not be promoted electronic cigarette to our children and people those who never wanted to smoke tobacco. At the same time, it is important to promote the proven non-tobacco nicotine products such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy (gum or inhalators) to smokers those who are sincerely wanted to quit.

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  • The importance of experimental conditions in the assessment of products relevant to human consumption

    Although electronic cigarettes (ECs) are a much less harmful alternative to tobacco cigarettes, there is concern as to whether long-term ECs use may cause risks to human health. There are reasonable concerns and should be elucidated as soon as possible to learn how to best employ these products, causing the least possible damage to users.
    Scott and colleagues aimed at define whether e-cig vapors have a negative impact on human alveolar macrophages (AMs) viability and function (1). They tested human AMs from lung resection specimens from healthy donors by exposing these cells to the electronic cigarette vapour condensate (ECVC).
    First of all, the authors dedicated a detailed explanation to the method used to condensate the vapour, but the protocol used to generate vapour is quite ambiguous, omitting to indicate puff volume, puff number, and in particular if the pump used to aspirate the vapors were able to generate the correct puff profile (2). This is a crucial step in the validation process of an exposure method, because if the vapours are generated with incorrect regimes, they can lead to the production of inaccurate ECVC and thus to distorted results invalidating all the conclusions of the study. We think the author could detail the regimen employed for vapour generation.
    Furthermore, airway macrophages are resident in the connective tissue and not exposed directly to the liquid-air interface, therefore the method used for the exposition of these cells...

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  • Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence! Lessons from recent trials of adjunctive IMT in COPD and recommendations for further research: careful selection of candidates, controlling interventions and choosing the most adequate outcomes.

    We support the view of Drs. Polkey and Ambrosino that recommendations for clinical practice should not be based on either positive or negative preoccupation concerning the potential effectiveness of a treatment but rather on an impartial evaluation of the available data. In their editorial entitled ‘Inspiratory Muscle Training in COPD: can data finally beat emotion’ they unfortunately provide a fairly one-sided evaluation of this treatment, based on an incomplete and largely outdated review of the available evidence1. It is unfortunate that they neglect a major part of available data, which could contribute to a more balanced and fair discussion about this intervention. We therefore deemed it necessary to add this missing evidence along with our own interpretation of recent findings to the discussion.
    Complexity of studying add-on interventions to pulmonary rehabilitation
    Based on the results from three recent multicentre trials2-4, Polkey and Ambrosino exclude a role for adjunctive IMT in the rehabilitation of patients with COPD. As emphasized in a previous opinion piece by Dr. Ambrosino5, it is important to distinguish between studies that evaluate the effects of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) as a standalone intervention (i.e. in comparison to no intervention or a sham control intervention) and studies on the effects of IMT added to a pulmonary rehabilitation program (PRP).
    Concerning the first comparison, there is a large amount of data available s...

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  • Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition

    To the Editor

    Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition

    We thank Langer and colleagues for their interest in our editorial. In many ways the title they have chosen for their response confirms our thesis. ‘Absence of evidence’ may not be ‘Evidence of absence’ but it is ……………….. Absence of evidence . Our contention overall is that the relentless search for benefit despite the recently reported negative trials is driven by emotion rather than data.
    Whilst physiological arguments are of interest to physiologists, there remains no convincing evidence in our view either that respiratory muscle fatigue is present in patients with COPD, or that it contributes to exercise limitation. The various suggestions they make in the hope of eliciting a ‘positive result’ for IMT (e.g. changing outcome measure, patient selection) are credible research suggestions and we would not oppose interested investigators pursuing research in this arena, but this does not alter our contention that IMT has no place in current clinical practice.
    Clinically their argument is that IMT alone is beneficial in COPD. We think this argument is specious (irrespective of whether it is correct); pulmonary rehabilitation, in part thanks to the Leuven group, has one of the strongest evidence bases for any therapy in COPD. Therefore the idea that one might drop PR in order to do IMT instead is not one we believe should be taken into the clinical arena....

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  • Additional differentitation

    The differentiation between an empyema and a peripheral lung abscess is really difficult. The authors have summarized most points on differentiation. We had of a similar case, which looked like an Abscess on Chest Xray and had Acute angulation with lungs on Chest Ct, but due to the smooth inner walls and enhancement of pleura, we treated the case like an Empyema. Interestingly the initial CT showed some volume loss with ribs appearing crowded and this feature was more pronounced in the subsequent CT done after 2 weeks. Thus, associated volume loss with rib crowding could also be an additional point in the differentiation favoring Empyema and this volume loss might appear fairly early as well.

    ****can provide CT films of the same****

  • The EPICC trial, is it possible to perform intensive rehabilitation in the current framework of intensive care?

    The EPICC trial addresses the rarely investigated topic of rehabilitation in the critical care setting [1]. We note with interest that no improvement was found in outcomes in the rehabilitation group compared to the standard treatment group. Some of the reasons are clearly highlighted by Schaller et al. in their response to the paper including the time to starting intervention, therapy times and also sample size. Only 41% of the participants in the intervention group and 35% of the standard treatment group contributed data throughout the study period. In addition to this, only 8% of the intervention group managed over half the target therapy time and the EPICC trial showed that ‘an extra 10 minutes of physical therapy per day does not make a difference [2]’
    This study triggered an audit within our own 16 bedded mixed surgical and medical intensive care department assessing the number of sessions carried out over a 2 week period compared to those attempted. We investigated the actual duration of sessions achieved as compared to a target of 45 minutes rehabilitation each day during the working week (Monday-Friday). On average, 23.3 (standard deviation 20.19 minutes) minutes of rehabilitation per day was achieved and only 35% of attempted physical therapy sessions were completed. These figures are similar to those cited within the EPICC trial and highlight some of the difficulties of achieving longer therapy times within a busy intensive care department. Some of the fac...

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  • Prospective randomised controlled trial: fixed 1-year screening interval group versus a tailored intervals group

    In 2011, the National Lung Cancer Screening Trial (NLST) showed that annual low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) improved overall survival (1). More recently, longer interval between LDCT rounds was advocated to improve screening efficiency after baseline (2).
    Schreuder et al reported a comprehensive model for optimization of LDCT by biennial rounds for subjects at lower 2-year risk of lung cancer (3). They built a promising polynomial model including both patient characteristics and nodule descriptors. The retrospective simulation on NLST data provided enough power to test Schreuder’s model (3) as well as other models for selection of subjects to be forwarded to biennial screening (2, 4). We appreciate this approach to parsimonious LDCT administration as we are strongly convinced that annual screening should be tailored to subjects with remarkably high risk of lung cancer. The authors refer that prospective randomized controlled trial with tailored screening intervals would be hardly feasible, however we would like to remind that some experience was already reported in the literature.
    Since 2005, the Multicenter Italian Lung Detection (MILD) trial conducted a prospective comparison between annual (LDCT1 = 1,152 screenees) and biennial LDCT (LDCT2 = 1,151 screenees) (5). The LDCT2 screenees were shifted to annual screening in case of solid nodule > 60 mm^3 and/or subsolid nodules. In other words, the MILD trial prospectively tested a risk model for tailored s...

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  • Response to “Prospective randomised controlled trial: fixed 1-year screening interval group versus a tailored intervals group,” letter response by Silva et al

    We thank the authors of the letter in response to our paper for their interest and positive appraisal of our model. Likewise, we appreciate the design of the Multicenter Italian Lung Detection (MILD) trial which, despite its small sample size, demonstrates that annual intervals are unnecessary for the majority of screenees. Once more European data is available to perform cost-effectiveness analyses, we hypothesize that personalised screening intervals will prove to be the preferred design. Furthermore, it is estimated that most inclusion criteria used to select high-risk participants encompass only 70% of all lung cancer cases in the population; reassessing risk and tailoring interval groups after the baseline scan may enable the inclusion of persons of lower risk. As Silva et al mentioned, there is no reason to set the upper limit of follow-up intervals at 2-years. We also agree that volumetric nodule measurements are better suited for determining follow-up procedures than (perpendicular) diameter, and hope to be able to implement this into a future model. Moreover, risk scores may be calculated autonomously by computers in the future, with only a select few dubious cases requiring radiologist attention.
