Table of contents

December 2019 - Volume 74 - Suppl 2

British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2019, QEII Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London SW1P 3EE, 4 to 6 December 2019, Programme and Abstracts

Thorax: 74 (Suppl 2)

BTS/ BALR/ BLF Early Career Investigator Awards Symposium

Smoking cessation strategies for lung health

Pulmonary rehabilitation: better: more!

Pleural disease: not so benign

Biomarkers and treatments in cystic fibrosis

An update in screening for lung cancer

What’s new? Clinical trials in lung disease

Acute asthma: lessons from the frontline

Integrative working to improve patient experience in lung disease

Novel insights into malignant pleural disease

Increasing experience of biologics and asthma

The failing lung in COPD

Diagnostic and therapeutic advances in paediatrics

ILD and rare respiratory diseases: cracking the code

Translational science in COPD

An update in lung physiology

There is more to ILD than IPF

Modelling lung disease in vitro/vivo

Genetic and cellular mechanisms of pulmonary hypertension

COPD: inflammation, smoking and exacerbations

Improving outcomes in community acquired pneumonia

TB: from diagnosis to treatment

Clinical care in COPD

Occupational lung disease – ‘danger at work’

‘Under your skin’ – imaging in lung disease

Advances in asthma science and treatment

Fuelling the fire: inflammation and infection in lung disease

A multi-faceted approach to ILD management

Asthma: endotypes/biomarkers

Pulmonary rehabilitation: more and better

Ventilation in neuromuscular disease

Driving quality improvement through education and training

Prognosis and outcomes in ILD

Paediatric respiratory pick and mix

Lung cancer diagnostics: challenges and solutions

Biologics in asthma

Malignant pleural disease

Pulmonary hypertension: advances in diagnosis and treatment

Lung physiology: something old, something new

Respiratory infections: getting it right

Asthma epidemiology: understanding the problem

Targeted assessment of asthma

Community and integrated care: joining the dots

Sleep miscellany

Acute and domiciliary NIV in COPD: advances in practice

Clinical studies in TB

Beyond airways disease: ILO and cough

Asthma and inhalers: all the colours of the rainbow

Cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis: updates and controversies

Clinical studies in COPD: new evidence to guide practice

The epidemiology and impact of difficult infections

Real world studies with antifibrotics in IPF

Bronchiectasis: clinical phenotyping and outcomes