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A 79-year-old man had presented to his general practitioner with a non-resolving pneumonia. He was treated with three courses of antibiotics after which a chest radiograph (figure 1) showed right lower zone opacity with an effusion raising concerns of underlying malignancy. He was referred urgently to the respiratory team via the suspected cancer pathway. A staging CT scan of chest and liver (figure 1) was requested. The staging CT chest and liver described a focal mass-like consolidation in the subpleural region of the right middle lobe and …
GR, DM, KP and SB contributed equally.
Contributors DM, KP and SB managed the patient. GR prepared the manuscript. DM, KP and SB revised the manuscript. All authors have contributed and are in agreement with the content of the manuscript.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent Obtained.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.