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S48 Septal angle on mri predicts combined pre and post capillary pulmonary hypertension
  1. CS Johns1,
  2. JM Wild1,
  3. S Rajaram1,
  4. E Tubman1,
  5. D Capener1,
  6. C Elliot2,
  7. R Condliffe2,
  8. A Charalampopoulos2,
  9. DG Kiely2,
  10. AJ Swift1
  1. 1The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
  2. 2Sheffield Pulmonary Vascular Disease Unit, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, UK


Patients with left heart disease commonly develop pulmonary hypertension (PH), and some subsequently develop pre-capillary vascular remodelling. This combined pre and post capillary pulmonary hypertension (Cpc-PH) is defined as mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) ≥25 mmHg, pulmonary arterial wedge pressure (PAWP) >15 mmHg and diastolic pulmonary gradient (DPG) of ≥7. Patients with Cpc-PH, have a worse outcome and targeted pulmonary vascular therapies may be useful. The aim of this study was to assess MRI measured septal angle in the assessment of Cpc-PH.

Methods Consecutive, incident suspected PH patients who underwent MRI at a pulmonary hypertension referral centre from April 2012 to October 2015 were assessed. Patients with PAWP >15 mmHg, with right heart catheter and MRI on the same day were included. The diagnostic accuracy of septal angle to identify Cpc-PH was assessed.

Results 2437 patients underwent MRI, 1272 were incident and 227 patients had PAWP >15 mmHg. 163 had MRI and right heart catheter on the same date. The average age was 70 (sd 11), 64% were female. Systolic interventricular septal angle correlated with DPG (r=0.735, p<0.0001). ROC analysis showed septal angle was predictive of Cpc-PH (defined by DPG ≥7) with area under the curve 0.90 (p<0.0001). Analysis of the ROC data showed 160˚ septal angle as a threshold predicted a DPG of ≥7 mmHg, with 74% sensitivity and 90% specificity (p-value<0.0001). Systolic interventricular septal angle was predictive of outcome with univariate hazard ratio 1.017 (95% CI 1.007–1.028, p=0.001). Dichotomised by median value (149˚) the hazard ratio was 3.245 (95% CI 1.720–6.119, p<0.0001) and log-rank chi-square was 12.387.

Conclusion Interventricular septal angle on MRI can non-invasively predict the presence of an elevated diastolic pressure gradient in patients with left heart disease.

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