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P269 Describing adherence data in a clinical effectiveness trial: the salford lung study in copd (sls copd)


S Collier: Employment and stock ownership (GSK)

D Browning: Employment and stock ownership (GSK)

JP New: During the SLS COPD study, JPN received research funding towards post via NorthWest EHealth, Salford, UK

JM Gibson: Employing organisation provided IT support for automated data capture collected during SLS COPD

L Stephens: Employment and stock ownership (GSK)

N Diar Bakerly: NDB employing organisation provided IT support to automated data collection method for the SLS COPD trial. NDB received financial support to attend meetings in the form of non-restricting educational grants from GSK, Novartis, AZ, and BI.

J Fletcher: Employment and stock ownership (GSK)

J Crawford: Employment and stock ownership (GSK)

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