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M13 The role of clinical psychology and the number of hospital bed days required by severe asthma patients
  1. H Hope,
  2. R Niven
  1. University Hospitals South Manchester, Manchester, UK


Introduction Psychological difficulties can impact on disease severity through symptom under-reporting, medication adherence, clinic attendance, and patients having an active role in their care.1 When physical illness deteriorates, the emotional burden increases and disease management can be compromised.2 Psychological therapy can contribute to improved self-management, general adjustment, and the development of effective coping strategies potentially reducing the number of emergency hospital bed days.

Objectives To ascertain whether improving the emotional health of patients through psychological therapy, can reduce the number of bed days occupied by severe asthma patients.

Method The participants were patients within the Severe Asthma Service who were referred for psychological input. Following assessment and therapy completion, the number of hospital bed days were examined in the 12 months preceding this input, and compared to the number of bed days for up to 12 months following therapy.

Results The mean average number of hospital bed days in the 12 months preceding psychological therapy was 37.3 days compared to 11.5 days for a period of up to 12 months post-therapy. This demonstrates that post-psychological therapy, the number of required hospital bed days for exacerbations relating to severe asthma, reduced by approximately two thirds.

Conclusion The Results suggest that the number of patients who meet planned admissions has increased, and the number of emergency admissions between planned admissions has decreased. This demonstrates that clinical psychology can be effective in improving not only the psychological health of patients, but also the physical health of patients. The number of bed days post-psychological therapy was for a period of up to 12 months, however, the Results remain positive and encouraging and demonstrate the effectiveness of psychological therapy in the management of chronic illness.


  1. . NHS England. Specialised Respiratory Services (adult) – Severe Asthma 2017. [Accessed: 3.7.2017].

  2. . The King’s Fund. Long-term conditions and the mental health. The Cost of Co-Morbidities 2012. Available at: [Accessed: 3.7.2017].

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