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P279 Priming of a non-conducting valved holding chamber (vhc) may result in inconsistent medication delivery
  1. A Bracey1,
  2. J Suggett2,
  3. M Nagel2
  1. 1Trudell Medical UK, Basingstoke, UK
  2. 2Trudell Medical International, London, Canada


Introduction and Objectives Priming VHCs with several actuations of medication before use may be an established practice to prepare the spacer before use. However this practice can have a significant influence on subsequent medication delivery. The present study set out to test the hypothesis that priming is not effective, or better than the use of anti-static materials.

Methods The following VHCs, each with mouthpiece as patient interface (n=5 devices/group) were evaluated: AeroChamber Plus Flow-Vu Antistatic VHC (AC +FV AVHC); AeroChamber Plus; Volumatic; Able Spacer 2; Anti-Static Compact Space Chamber plus. Each VHC was connected via a filter holder to a vacuum source operated at 28.3 L/min, evaluated with a pMDI (Flovent 125 µg, FP) and the Emitted Mass of FP (EMFP) determined by HPLC-UV assay. The following sequence of testing was conducted: 1) Test VHC immediately after removal from packaging (no pre-treatment) and evaluate EMFP following one actuation. 2) Supply two more actuations into the same VHC and evaluate EMFP (representing 3 actuations of priming).3) Deliver 17 more actuations into the same VHC and evaluate EMFP (representing priming of 20 actuations). 4) Clean VHC, then repeat part (1) (representing pre-conditioning by washing as an alternative to priming).

Results The behaviour of EMFP (mean ±SD) with VHC type is summarised in figure 1.

Conclusions Clinicians should be aware that priming of VHCs Results in inconsistent medication delivery, and is wasteful of medication.

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