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- Bronchoscopy
- Cough/Mechanisms/Pharmacology
- Imaging/CT MRI etc
- Lung Physiology
- Respiratory Measurement
- Thoracic Surgery
A 50-year-old woman was referred with a three-year history of cough, difficulty clearing secretions and intermittent wheeze. Examination revealed normal breath sounds and a chest radiograph was normal.
Clinic spirometry revealed a normal volume–time spirogram (figure 1A) with supra-normal indices: FEV1 3.4 L (119% predicted) and FVC 4.1 L (123% predicted).
Full lung function testing was arranged and the flow–volume loop was immediately flagged as abnormal; demonstrating a reproducible notch in the early forced expiratory phase of the manoeuvre (figure 1B).
What is causing …
Contributors CO: principle author. Responsible for content as guarantor. Wrote first draft of the scientific case report, performed literature review and assessed relevance of report to established literature. SW: interpreted lung function and reviewed article. SJ: contributed endoscopic images of tracheal tumour. AM-G: contributed to article writing and review. JH: article supervisor. Oversaw writing of article and contributed to review process.
Competing interests None.
Patient consent Obtained.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.
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