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P31 Intelligence Based Information System (ibis) Reduces Respiratory Patients’ Use Of Secondary Health Care Resources
  1. SKM Harlow1,
  2. J Tollit2,
  3. MJ Irvin-Sellers1
  1. 1Ashford and St Peter’s Hopsitals NHS Foundation Trust, Chertsey, UK
  2. 2Respiratory Care Team North West Surrey, VirginCare, Chertsey, UK


Background IBIS is a database developed by South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) to facilitate communication of individual patient care plans between SECAmb, the Respiratory Care Team (RCT) and secondary care. It aims to reduce the number of patients conveyed to hospital.

Aims and objectives The investigation aimed to establish the impact of IBIS on respiratory patients’ use of secondary care in our locality.

Methods Respiratory patients uploaded into IBIS between May and November 2013 were included. Data were collected from the Patient Administration System including, number of A&E attendances and admissions in the three months preceding and three months after patient care plans were included in IBIS. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon Paired Test utilising SPSS version 22.

Results 65 patients were included in the study. Table 1 demonstrates the impact of IBIS on A&E attendances and admissions. There was a significant reduction in admissions (p = 0.011). A reduction in A&E attendances was observed (p = 0.064). A sub-analysis of patients already utilising secondary care resources was undertaken. In this patient group a significant reduction in both A&E attendances (p = 0.000) and admissions (p = 0.000) was observed.

Conclusions IBIS assists in reducing respiratory patients A&E attendances and admissions. The impact of IBIS is more profound in patients who have already utilised secondary health care resources.

Abstract P31 Table 1

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