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  1. Candy Lee
  1. Correspondence to Dr Candy Lee, ST7 Specialty Trainee in Respiratory Medicine and General Internal Medicine, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, Singleton Hospital, Sketty Lane, Swansea SA2 8 QA, UK; clee128{at}

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Inherited genetic susceptibility to lung cancer

In this international cross-sectional study (Nat Genet 46:736–41. doi:10.1038/ng.3002), researchers analysed data from four lung cancer genome-wide association studies on patients with European descent. The DNA of 11 348 patients with lung cancer was compared with that of 15 861 patients without lung cancer in order to look for genetic traits that may increase the risk of lung cancer development. BRCA2 mutations, well known for increasing the risk of breast and ovarian cancers, were found to be strongly linked to lung cancer, in particular, in squamous cell subtypes where there was more than double of the relative risk. It was also found to increase lung cancer by 1.8 times in smokers. This study provides further evidence for inherited genetic susceptibility to lung cancer, especially in the context of smoking.

Mortality reduction in pneumonia treated with azithromycin

Elderly patients hospitalised with pneumonia and treated with azithromycin have been …

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