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Hoyos CM, Killick R, Yee BJ, et al. Cardiometabolic changes after continuous positive airway pressure for obstructive sleep apnoea: a randomised sham-controlled study. Thorax 2012;67:1081-1089. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2011-201420

We have since realised that there were two transcription errors included in the manuscript that should ideally be corrected. Since these were transcription errors, neither had any influence on the statistical analyses presented.

  • The study flow (figure 1) states that 28 in the CPAP groups and 24 in the sham group completed the 12 week treatment period. Actually, 29 completed CPAP and 23 completed sham CPAP. Furthermore, 2 men in the CPAP group and 3 men in the sham CPAP group withdrew prior to receiving the open-label CPAP treatment after week 12. The completion numbers of 26 in the CPAP group and 20 in the sham group at week 24 are correct.

  • In table 1 and 2 for the results of insulin sensitivity (ISx) a negative sign (ie, ‘-’) was inadvertently left out (all the result should be 10−4 not 104). Again this was a transcription error that had no influence on the statistical analyses presented.

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