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- Bronchoscopy
- pulmonary infection
- bacterial infection
- viral infection
- opportunistic infection
- bacterial infection
- opportunist lung infections
- respiratory infection
Fibreoptic bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (FOB/BAL) is a common modality for the evaluation of pulmonary infiltrates.1 2 We recognised there are limitations of comparison between subgroups of immunosuppressed patients, non-uniform definitions of a positive yield, suboptimal description of the impact of concurrent antimicrobial use at the time of the bronchoscopy and sometimes insufficient assessment of management decisions surrounding FOB/BAL.3–5 To address these issues, we performed a retrospective analysis of 190 immunosuppressed patients who underwent FOB/BAL for a pulmonary abnormality (clinical or radiographic) at the University of Rochester Medical Center from 2005 to 2008. A positive yield was defined as one of the following: (1) positive culture—bacterial, viral or fungal (not including Candida albicans alone); (2) positive finding on cytopathology or fungal stain; or (3) diffuse alveolar haemorrhage. Antimicrobial and corticosteroid treatment changes …
Funding Buswell Medicine Fellowship-Department of Medicine, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; HL-075432; HL-66988; HL 088325; T32 HL066988; NIEHS Center Grant P30ES01247.
Competing interests None.
Ethics approval This study was conducted with the approval of the University of Rochester Medical Center research subjects review board/institutional review board, approval number 22041.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.